Open Android Platform, Unlimited Expansion of Interconnection
Various online learning methods are supported. It can call learning materials on the campus network's subject platform, order classroom teaching, training, and testing resources, access the Internet, and call rich App applications to meet various online learning needs.
Audio and Video on Demand
A brand-new experience of autonomous audio-visual learning is provided, and autonomous on-demand learning in various audio and video formats can be carried out.
Professional Language Training Player
Oral and listening exercises, such as follow-up recording, movie dubbing, variable-speed playing, SP mode playing (the number of playing sentences and pause time can be set freely), random dragging of the playing slider, dual-track recording, four recording playback modes, text display on the same screen, etc. can be carried out independently.
Local Download and Cloud Storage of File: The data in the database or the classroom recording of the practice recorder can be downloaded.