“Cloud and Mobile Technology”, continued to compose the glory of foreign language teaching in 2018

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On January 12, 2018, the Seminar on the Application Development Trend of Cloud and Mobile Technology in the Language Laboratory was held in Grand Skylight International Hotel Beijing, which was jointly organized by Foreign Language Committee of China Association of Educational Technology and Beijing NewClass Digital Technology Co., Ltd.


Wang JunJing, Secretary General of Foreign Language Committee of China Association of Educational Technology, delivered a speech, emphasizing the role of discussion and exchange in promoting the informatization of foreign languages. 


Mr. Hong Xuerong, founder of Beijing NewClass Digital Technology Co., Ltd., from the promotion of the product development of NewClass for 20 years with the evolution of technology to the influence of technology on the future education mode, outlined the development trend of language teaching equipment for the teachers present.


Duan Haitao, Secretary General of Educational Technology Research Association of Beijing Association of Higher Education, introduced the current situation and future construction blueprint of educational informatization of University of Science and Technology Beijing.

Wang Biao, Director of the Center for Networking and Education Technology in the School of International Relations, made a penetrating analysis of the achievements and existing problems in the practice of educational reform from a macro perspective with “Internet +” thinking.

Zhang Hong, Director of BFT Examination Training Center of Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, introduced in detail the requirements of China Accreditation Test for Translator and Interpreters (CATTI) and oral test for digital equipment and its application for many years.

Zhou Dusheng, the former Vice President of Foreign Language Committee of China Association of Educational Technology, with personal experience, narrated the change of requirements for laboratory functions and the promoting effect of good products on teaching activities in the development process from simulation to digitalization.

Guo Lei, Director of the Experimental Teaching Center of Foreign Language Department of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, took the current situation and development of foreign language audio-visual teaching in the university as an example to exchanged valuable experience.

Li Xia, Deputy General Manager of NewClass, elaborated on the advanced design concept and stable and extensive application of NewClass product series in terms of cloud and mobile technology.


The keynote speakers shared their academic experience, the current situation of foreign language audio-visual teaching and the development of modern audio-visual education technology; discussed the application and development trend of cloud and mobile technology in the digital language laboratory, and the seminar came to a successful conclusion.