The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City——NewClass Attended the 25th Annual Meeting of the Foreign Language Professional Committee of China Educational Technology Association

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'My dearest motherland, you are the sea that will never dry up...' All the teachers stood up and waved the national flags in hand. The singing brought the party to a climax. It is the NewClass Appreciation Evening Party's passionate scene on July 24 at the Yellow River bank in Golden City.

The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City

On the morning of that day, the 25th Annual Meeting of the Foreign Language Professional Committee of the China Association of Educational Technology and the Theoretical Seminar on Foreign Language Education Informatization opened in Lanzhou as scheduled. Experts, scholars, and leading enterprises of educational informatization, from all over the country gathered in Golden City to discuss the development of educational informatization. Experts and representatives of enterprises talked about the experience of university informatization construction.

The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City

The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City

On the morning of the 24th, Mr. Dong, deputy general manager of the NewClass, delivered a keynote speech on 'Development and Discussion of Smart Foreign Language Laboratory.' The speech's content revolved around five parts: the commonness between the smart classroom and the language laboratory, the development of the smart language laboratory, the BYOD in the smart classroom, the introduction of NewClass high-density WiFi scheme, and the sharing of NewClass cases.

The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City

During the meeting, the NewClass set up a product display area specially to facilitate teachers to exchange experiences. Many teachers said: We have been using the NewClass product all the time. It has a simple operation interface, easy to use, and master quickly. The teacher's recognition also confirmed the NewClass's pursuit of 'Learning Technologies Applicable in the Real World.'

The NewClass Arouses Passions on the Yellow River Bank in Golden City

Following the guidance of Foreign Language Teaching Committee for many years,NewClass is grateful to the teachers and leaders for the supports and recognition. In the evening, an Appreciation Evening Party was held on the 6th floor of Baiyun Hotel. The delegates gathered together, whose mirthful laughter and enthusiasm surged along with the Yellow River's waves outside the window. Leading by two singers, the chorus of My Motherland and I pushed the evening party to a climax. All the teachers got up one after another, and waved small Red Flags, to offer good wishes for China's 70th Anniversary. Finally, the evening party came to a successful end in a song of Friends sung by more than 20 teachers on the stage spontaneously.